Irish Blessing

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand."

Monday 14 March 2011

Love at first sight

Love At First Sight

Sketch by Me

I used to wonder: How can someone want to be around a person, look at them, get instant happiness from their presence, when they haven’t even said a word to them?

It’s true. It happens, and its overwhelming happiness, the kind that is sweetly beyond our control. Tsunamis of butterflies that have always existed within suddenly appear, playful in your core, as if they have been waiting for someone’s light to fall upon their invisible wings.

Now I believe that the soul is capable of sensing something in another that our conscious may be slow to grasp. It is beyond the typical rationality of the mind. Love could be such a mystery.

It’s true. From the moment I saw you, you made me happy. I knew in my heart, that I would want to be next to you, for as long as I can. And when words were uttered, I only felt it more.

Thursday 10 March 2011


Moments like these I turn to God. I plead for him to make you feel everything inside of me, to understand. So I can know that these tears are not wasted, that at least you’ll know why I say what I say and do what I do… because maybe if you truly understand I can take your behavior towards me as a final answer, maybe even a final painful goodbye. Because this, all of this, especially nights like these, they are not alright, they can’t be.

But then again, maybe you already understand. And that is why I feel this way.